Monday, May 17, 2010

Kylee's Tooth

Ok, I admit it, I'M THE WORST MOM EVER!! The truth is, my first-born child lost her first tooth WEEKS ago, and I haven't posted one single solitary picture about it yet! Does that win me the Worst Mom Award or what? The thing is (and here's my dirty secret I've been hiding from the world), I just don't get very sentimental about stuff like this. I'm the kind of mom who gets excited about events like this instead of sniffly and sad that they're growing up so fast (c'mon now, please tell me there's another mom out there who's happy their kids are growing up!). Ok, now that I've gotten that off my chest, it's kind of a funny story about how Kylee lost her tooth. That darn bottom tooth of hers had been loose for so long I had practically forgotten about it! One evening about a month ago, we went to pick up a futon we had found on Craig's List. I was standing next to the car watching it being loaded up, when Kylee called from the window "Mom, my tooth is really loose!" I took a quick look in her mouth, and sure enough her tooth was sticking straight out and it was turning black! I told her not to touch it and we would yank it out as soon as we could. So, on the way home we decided to stop at Wendy's for dinner. We went into the lobby, and Brian got a napkin and yanked out the tooth right there on the spot. Kylee was freaking out with excitement, and she ran into the bathroom so she could look in the mirror. Brian and I were still standing in the lobby and we could hear her in the bathroom whooping and laughing and singing with happiness. Oh man, I can't tell you how hard we were laughing! I'm glad we were the only people in there, because even the people up at the counter could hear her and were laughing. That night she was excited to put her tooth under her pillow, even though she wanted to keep her tooth. I told her maybe the Tooth Fairy would leave the tooth for her, and she said, "But mom, I thought you said there were no such thing as fairies!" DOH!! Oh well, she got her dollar and got to keep her tooth and is super excited to lose more teeth. Now if I could just get Makayla to stop asking me when her teeth are going to come out. :)
If you're wondering what that bump is on her left eyelid, it was an infected something-or-other that she had to use medicated drops for, but it's about gone now.
This is a snake eating a rat at the zoo. I thought it was a grody picture and just wanted to throw it in.


Patty said...

I'm with you on the whole non-sentimental stuff... I'm quite happy to watch Aimee grow up and become the person she's meant to be!
I wish I had been in the Wendy's... I would have been laughing too!
Oh, and I love the grody picture at the end of your post... so random but somehow entertaining!

chelle said...

I was so in your shoes when all of my kids were little. I now wish for the days when they were little and needed me more. SIGH lol
Congrats to Kylee for losing her first tooth. How exciting.
Love the new family pics. Where'd you get them done?

About Me

Ohio, United States
We're just a fun family of four living in Ohio while Brian's in graduate school, trying to keep in touch with family and friends.