Wednesday, September 10, 2008

School Days, School Days....

As some of you know, Kylee started pre-school last week (sniff). She's been looking forward to going to school forever, so this is going to be really great for her. She had a really fun first day. I wasn't feeling too sentimental until she said right before leaving, "Awwwww, I'm going to miss you guys today!" That put a little lump in my throat. We decided to take her to school and pick her up for her first day, instead of letting her ride the bus. When we picked her up, and she saw the other kids getting on the school bus, she got really upset that she couldn't ride the bus too, and cried the whole way home. If only she knew how much she would hate riding the bus in later years! Anyway, here's a picture of her first day of school. Before I forget, Kylee said the funniest thing the other day. As many of you know, her monkey has been her lovey since she was a baby. These days, though, the monkey acts as more of her child, and Kylee pretends to be his mom. So, the other morning, I asked Kylee why she hadn't fed her monkey some breakfast yet, and she said to me, "I'm not a chef, I'm just a mom." Yeah, I totally understand, Kylee.

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About Me

Ohio, United States
We're just a fun family of four living in Ohio while Brian's in graduate school, trying to keep in touch with family and friends.