Friday, April 9, 2010


Fair Warning Disclaimer: A Bumload of Adorable Pictures Below
We had a great Easter this year (even with having no family around). We started the weekend on Saturday, when we took the girls to the annual Easter egg hunt at the cemetary by our house. Then we colored Easter eggs that night. Sunday was a little busy, with all the Easter stuff and Conference and friends coming over for dinner, but it was a really beautiful and fun day, so I didn't mind. Here's a little trip down memory lane:
The girls showing off their haul at the egg hunt. They were pretty excited opening all the eggs to find the candy and toys inside.
With the Easter Bunny. I was pretty surprised that Makayla got this close! (And is it just me, or does that Easter Bunny look like he's about to spew a few rainbows?)
Me and my girls. It was a LEETLE bright.
The Potion Master hard at work coloring her Easter eggs.
That egg dye is pretty powerful stuff - Kylee started transforming into the Hulk before our very eyes!
No, this isn't a Christmas picture that accidentally found it's way into the Easter picture file. Let's just say we had a lot of honorary Easter bunnies this year! While we and the girls greatly appreciated it, I was a little concerned when Kylee told Jenicca that the Easter Bunny didn't think she was quite as good as Santa thought she was this year, since she got more toys for Christmas. :) Each of the girls also got an Easter basket from our next door neighbor.
Easter Morning
The Easter Bunny thought the girls would look extra cute with sunbeams on their heads.
Oh my goodness, can you believe how cute??
We took the kids over to the cemetary that morning to take advantage of all the pretty flowers and trees blooming.
Yes, Kylee came up with this pose by herself. Supa' Star!
EGG-specting our newest little chick in just 2 1/2 months!! (And yes, I let this picture be taken just so I could write that)


sorensens said...

Cute cute pictures. I am so jealous of the green grass. Hopefully it will stop snowing long enough here that the grass will turn green. Maybe by June?

Janae said...

They look so cute, and so does your belly! Looks like you had a wonderful easter. :)

Anonymous said...

Becky you look so cute!!!!

About Me

Ohio, United States
We're just a fun family of four living in Ohio while Brian's in graduate school, trying to keep in touch with family and friends.