Sunday, July 18, 2010

Green Thumb

I previously posted pictures of my spring flowers; now I want to post some pics of my summer flowers! Last year I discovered the wild and diverse world of growing dahlias. Even though they're a tiny bit of a pain to grow (because you have to dig up the tubers in the fall, pack them in a cool place for the winter, and then replant them in the spring), I totally fell in love with the hundreds of varieties, colors, shapes, and sizes of these amazing flowers. The ones I got last year were some smaller varieties from a nursery, but this year I branched out and ordered some really tall and interesting ones from a website to add to the others. Here's a few of my favorites (although one of my tall ones is still a few days from blooming):
This was my first big one to bloom; the blooms are about 6-8 inches across.
This is a smaller one, but I love the color. Align Center
Another shot of one of the above purple ones, not quite fully bloomed.
This yellow one is really fun
This one just bloomed the other day and I'm totally loving it - plus it's HUGE!
This one is my favorite, it's called Tahitian Sunrise - it's about 8 inches across in full bloom.
Brian with my cherry tomato plant. Isn't he mahvelous?? The plant, not Brian, although Brian is mahvelous too.

1 comment:

chelle said...

Beautiful! I LOVE those flowers as well. I don't have any though.

About Me

Ohio, United States
We're just a fun family of four living in Ohio while Brian's in graduate school, trying to keep in touch with family and friends.