Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Love Fall

My parents came up to see us (and drop off our new car) the beginning of October, and we had the opportunity to take them up to Kirtland to see the sights and of course the gorgeous fall colors. Here's a few pictures of our trip. Brian would like me to point out that he took all the pictures, as well as the big one at the top of our blog. No, you can't hire him to do your wedding pictures. Sorry.

The Kirtland Temple. I'd love to find out what flowers these were around the temple. They were GOR-GE-OUS!

If you're a little confused by this picture, Kylee's standing in front of a pond with the reflection of the trees behind her.

"Hey, look at that cool leaf on the ground! Let's stare really hard at it until dad's done taking our picture, ok?"

Monday, November 2, 2009

Disney on Ice

Disney on Ice recently came to town, so we took the girls a little before Makayla's birthday. The girls wore their Disney hats and crowns, and absolutely LOVED the show! Kylee was screaming and waving at the characters and jumping up and down in her seat the whole time. It was pretty funny. At the intermission, Makayla turned to me and held up 1 finger and said she wanted to watch "one more movie." I think she thought she was watching a movie. :)

About Me

Ohio, United States
We're just a fun family of four living in Ohio while Brian's in graduate school, trying to keep in touch with family and friends.