I realize it isn't Father's Day, or Brian's birthday or anything, but I just wanted to write a little post about how awesome he is, and how much I love his guts. He'll probably be wondering what it is that I want when he reads this, but honestly, I was just thinking the other day about all the great things he does for us, and how lucky I am to have him for a hubby. Before this gets too corny, here's my list of just some of the things I love about Brian (and you might be surprised):
1. He's a wicked great organizer. Seriously, better than me! You should see our basement, garage, and food storage. It's awesome.
2. He can fix anything. And I mean ANYTHING. When we lived with my parents, he fixed their gas stove, patio umbrella, and toilet. If this Psychology stuff doesn't work out, we're gonna open our own Handy-man business.
3. He loves to go shopping with me. I promise! Not only that, but he insists that he go shopping with me if I need to buy pants. He knows I'll get really angry and depressed and eat an entire carton of ice cream if I don't have him there to tell me how great I look.
4. He's a girl's guy. Almost all of his friends are girls, and some of his best friends have been old ladies. I guess it comes from being raised with so many sisters.
5. He's not afraid to do all the gross jobs around the house like cleaning the toilet, taking out the garbage, cleaning up cat diarrhea, stuff like that. Of course, he agreed to it before we got married.
6. He has endless patience. Well, it might not be endless, but it's a heck of a lot more than I have, so it seems endless.
7. He's a fantastic dad. He's always got tricks up his sleeve for keeping the kids happy and busy. And he's always willing to play one more game of Candy-Land with them after I've fallen into a coma from sheer boredom.
8. He's amazingly smart without hardly trying. I know his sisters wonder how he even graduated from high school, since he claims to have never read a book in high school.
9. He loves to have fun and go on adventures with me and the kids. Me and Brian seriously have the funnest time together. Or is it MOST FUN??
10. He tells me I'm the best thing that ever happened to him. Enough said.