Monday, January 4, 2010


Now that it's the new year, I figure it would be a good time to update my blog. Ok, ok, I've heard your cries of anger (ahem, Matt), but hey, I've had a good excuse - I've been stinkin' TIRED (and tired of stinkin')! :) But seriously, now that I'm past the first trimester, I got some fire back in my tank and I'm ready to get down to business here. This might take a while. Let's start with Halloween. It was a lot of fun to be in a house this Halloween, so we didn't have to drive to a neighborhood somewhere to take the kids trick-or-treating. I stayed home and passed out candy, while Brian took the kiddos out. I have to say, I had some pretty scary girls this year - no princesses for them! (their choice, not mine)
One of our pumpkins. Pretty funny, huh?
Cutest little dragon I ever saw in my life!
My little witch and dragon.

1 comment:

Shayleen Lunt said...

Ah hem! First trimester? Should I know this already or is this on the DL???
Oh, yes, and your witch and cute!

About Me

Ohio, United States
We're just a fun family of four living in Ohio while Brian's in graduate school, trying to keep in touch with family and friends.