Yeah, yeah, I've been a slacker. But from the look of other people's blogs, I'm not the only one! (you all know who you are) Before we get to the Disney/Florida pics, here's a peek into our lives leading up to Christmas. I'm pretty sure my sister is the only one who reads our blog, so Jenicca, this is for you!

Our Christmas tree, which just about fell over due to an overload of ornaments. That's the tree skirt my mom made for us this year. She also made us all some stockings. Love them!

Kylee and Kristen Richards at our ward Christmas party, dancing like it's 1999.

Kylee and Makayla singing at the ward Christmas party. I was pretty surprised Makayla actually got up there!

K and M in their angel costumes for the Nativity production at the ward party.

Brian's birthday dinner. I think we had shrimp.

Ella discovering she REALLY likes ice cream

Kylee's school Christmas program. Can you find her?

Kylee reading to Ella.

Makayla with her little buddy, Ella

We went to a sports store around here one night, where they had Santa and a bunch of stuff for kids to do. Here's the kids ready to ride our new 4-wheelers out of there. Yea right!

Put your hands up for making us wear these ridiculous hats!

Kylee found the perfect frying pan for me. And yes, this really was for sale.

This is THE PRECIOUS. AKA: the Barbie house that me and Brian slaved and sweated over for the girls for many weeks.

This may look like the girls discovering their new Barbie house on Christmas day, but it's actually Christmas Eve. You see, we were going to leave for Florida on Christmas afternoon after opening presents, but due to a big storm rolling in, we decided to do presents on Christmas Eve, and then leave later that day. The girls were just happy that Christmas was a day early.
And last but not least, Merry Christmas to me and Brian!! This little beauty was waiting for us in my parents driveway in Florida (no, they didn't just give it to us, in case you were wondering). Oh, it's about time we got a van, you say? Yes, we know.