The New Fantasyland opened this past December in Magic Kingdom, and after watching the construction for the past couple of years, we were soooo excited to get in there and see everything! It's the biggest addition to the Magic Kingdom ever done. There is still one more big ride under construction, but that won't be done until next year. Here are the pics from our recent adventures in the new Fantasyland, as well as a few things we hadn't done before (we had to make sure and get them done since our passes were expiring soon).

In front of Maurice and Belle's cottage. We were in line for the Belle's Storytime "ride" (not really a ride, more of an experience). You start off waiting outside then work your way into the cottage, which they have set up really cute, then you gradually make your way into the Beast's castle where the kids act out a story with Belle in the Beast's library. It's small and interactive and well done with some great special effects. In this picture, Makayla is being a big stinker about having her picture taken, which is the norm these day.
The other girls don't mind having their picture taken!
Brian with the Beast's castle over his head in the distance. It's not a full-sized castle like the Cinderella castle, but is supposed to look far away on a mountain. Belle's Storytime and the Be Our Guest restaurant are inside of the "mountain" primarily.
Miracle of miracles, Makayla let us take a picture of her!!
Waiting in line inside Maurice's cottage. Lots of cute details from the movie are in there, like the book Belle was reading that a goat tore part of the page from, as well as Maurice's workshop.
I particularly liked the picture of Belle as a child with her mother hanging on the wall.
When you get in the library, Lumiere is on the mantel and talks to the audience. His facial expressions are just amazing.
After the storytime, each child has the chance to meet Belle and have their picture taken with her.
Meeting Merida for the first time. They had some fun things to do there, like practicing shooting a bow and "arrow."
We decided to try and go meet the Fairies, since we hadn't ever done that before. The place where you meet the fairies is set up like a big garden. Makayla's smelling the giant flowers here.
Meeting Rosetta
Meeting Tinkerbell. Not the best picture I'm afraid.
Another first, meeting Ariel at Ariel's Grotto. That was a great character greeting.
In front of Gaston's Tavern, which was built inside and out to look just like the one in the movie. We're sitting in front of a statue of Gaston, which according to the plaque in front of it, Gaston donated to the town so that they would remember how great and handsome he was (or something).
My baby bug sitting on her dad's shoulders.
The castle in the fog.
While we were visiting Gaston's Tavern, Gaston himself suddenly walked out and started greeting people! My kids rushed forward, but Ella wasn't too fond of him and ran back to us, at which piont he said, "Yes, as a specimen I am quite intimidating." He was happy to sign their autograph books and when he saw Belle's name in there he said, "I see you've met my girlfriend."
Posing with Gaston. I swear, he looked and acted just like Jim Carrey! It was a great, impromptu character greeting! As we were walking away, Ella turned around and waved and yelled, "Bye, Beast!"
In front of Prince Eric's castle - The Little Mermaid ride is basically inside of it.
Close-up view of the Beast's castle up on the mountain. I'll be posting our dining experience at the Be Our Guest restaurant (which took us 6 months to get into!) soon, which was so amazing.
Me and Ella standing in line for The Little Mermaid ride.
Little Mermaid ride!!